I've been a wedding photographer for 10+ years now! I've truly captured so many amazing love stories, and I'm so honored and grateful for the many opportunities that I've had to do so. Additionally, photography isn't the only way I capture beautiful wedding days. I now offer Live Wedding Painting as one of my creative services.
maternity & newborn photography
wedding & engagement photography
live wedding painting
for my 27th birthday my best friend surprised me with skydiving! it was incredible and I would hands down do it again!
You can read all about it here on my blog!
click for information & pricing
I've been on the Arastasia Photography team since 2022 and I gotta say I am so passionate about what I do in life! I've had a dream of being a photographer my entire life, and growing up to have that dream become a reality is something I truly never take for granted! I started my career as just assisting with wedding days as a second shooter, but now you'll find solo packages offered by me as your lead photographer!
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