Let me tell you guys about the best birthday gift ever! For my 27th birthday my best friend surprised me with SKYDIVING. And you know how I feel about adventure – ALWAYS say yes to adventure!
So you’ll see in the photos that I was absolutely, uncontrollably smiling the entire time. Seriously, I don’t think I even allowed fear to take over because I was just genuinely so excited to have this experience!
To summarize what it felt like here’s what I have to say:
The ride in the helicopter goes so quick and almost makes you feel like you’re sitting on the edge of your seat, watching a thrilling movie.
Once it’s your turn to jump, you sit on the edge of the helicopter, with your goggles, as you look out at the earth below you. Some people say not to look down so you don’t get spooked – I totally peaked.
The next thing you do is rock back and forth to get the momentum to jump off (with your instructor) This was probably the only part that made me nervous – I’m a clumsy individual and I was scared I was going to rock back and forth the wrong way. (lol)
Once you’re falling you kinda feel alot of pressure in your ears and face (especially if you have sinus issues like me) but honestly, you’re so mesmerized by the thrill of falling in the sky that it makes it 100% worth it. (as you’ll see – i’m literally still screaming and smiling AS we are falling)
Once your instructor releases his parachute, you free-fall. Which was my absolute favorite part about it all. You just feel like you’re floating in the sky and for a couple minutes you understand what it feels like to be a bird.
All in all – I would recommend EVERY person try sky diving at least once. It’s truly incredible.
Arastasia Photography is a travel and elopement photographer specializing in adventurous weddings. We are located out of Cleveland, Ohio but will travel to any destination.
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